I do my best to keep this list up to date but just in case consult Google Scholar for my latest publications.


  1. Borkin K, #Maxwell I, #McKay K, #Bagley T, Wehi PM, Cieraad E, *Doyle S, Roa T (in review). Effect of participatory activities on attitudes towards a rare, cryptic species in a New Zealand school community. Human Dimensions in Wildlife
  2. Ahmed DA, Sousa R, Bortolus A, Aldemir C, Angeli NF, Błońska, D, Briski E, Britton JR, Cano-Barbacil C, Clark-Ginsberg A, Culic I, Cuthbert RN, Dick J, Dimarco RD, Essl F, Everts T, García-Berthou E, Hauer M, Kouba A, Kourantidou M, Kutschera U, Mammola S, Martín-Forés I, Morissette O, Nuñez MA, Olden JD, Pârvulescu L, Pergl J, Renault D, Rico-Sánchez AE, Russell JC, Soto I, Tarkan AS, Uysal TU, Verreycken H, Vilizzi L, Wasserman R, Wehi PM, Haubrock PJ. 2025. Parallels and discrepancies between non-native species introductions and human migration. Biological Reviews in press. https://doi.org/10.1111/brv.70004
  3. Jarić I, Fernández-Llamazares Á, Molnár Z, Arbieu U, Canavan S, Correia RA, Essl F, Kamelamela K, Ladle RJ, Maurice A-C, Meinard Y, Novoa A, Nuñez MA, Pyšek P, Roll U, Sbragaglia V, Shackleton RT, Shani L, Sherren K, Teff-Seker Y, Vaz AS, Wehi PM, Wilson JRU, Jeschke JM. (submitted) Cultural inception of invasive species. npj Biodiversity .
  4. *Johnson FN, Shaw RC, Wehi PM 2025. Supporting biocultural connections in conservation translocations. Biological Conservation 302 (2025) 110937. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2024.110937
  5. Ladefoged TN, McIvor I, Allen M, Augustinus P, Dijs A, Dunn M, Emmitt J, Harvey E, Hikuroa D, Jorgensen A, McLeod A, O’Neale D, Phillipps R, Prebble M, Queenin A, Roudier P, Sowerby S, Tonkin J, Wehi PM, Wilson Q (accepted). Transdisciplinary research across ontologies: Investigating kaitiakitanga and ecodynamics on Ahuahu Aotearoa New Zealand. In: Doing Complex Systems Research (eds. M. Luczak-Roesch and A. Matheson). Springer.
  6. Monks A, #Stone C, Wehi PM (in prep). Indigenous ecological knowledge enhances species security in a contemporary sustainable harvest assessment.
  7. *Muller H, *Yee G, Bury S, Wehi PM (in prep.). Isotopic evaluation of feral cat diet on an oceanic island.
  8. Wehi PM, Cox MP, Whaanga H, Roa T. 2025. Plant biocultural landscapes in one form of Māori oral tradition. Journal of Ethnobiology 45 (1): 51-62. https://doi.org/10.1177/02780771241303902
  9. Wehi PM & Roa T 2025. Reciprocal relationships: identity, tradition and food in the Kīngitanga poukai. Book chapter. In: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Participation and Food Justice. Ed. Clement Loo and Lisa Bevevino. University of Arkansas Press. Pre-publication version doi:10.31235/osf.io/tz746
  10. *Yee G, Ingram T, Jowett T, Wehi PM (in prep). Seasonal changes in isotopic niche of kiore (Rattus exulans) on the Chatham Islands.


  1. *Johnson FN, Wehi PM, Neha T, Ross M, Thompson V, Tibble S, Tassell-Matamua N, Shedlock K, Fox R, Penman Z, Ritchie T, Winter T, Arahanga-Doyle-H, Jose PE. 2024. Introducing ‘Ngaruroro’, a new model for understanding Māori wellbeing. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/21/4/445
  2. Soto Almena I, . . . Wehi PM, . . Bradshaw C, Haubrock P. 2024. Taming the terminological tempest in invasion science. Biological Reviews 99: 1357-1390. You can also access the pre-print via the following link: https://ecoevorxiv.org/repository/view/5904/
  3. *Walker E, Jowett T, Whaanga H, Nelson N, Wehi PM. 2024. Cultural stewardship in urban spaces: Reviving Indigenous knowledge for the restoration of nature. People and Nature 6(4): 1692-1712 https://doi.org/10.1002/pan3.10683
  4. Wehi PM, Whaanga H, Roa T, Cox M. 2024. Woven languages: understanding Indigenous socioecological systems. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 39 (10): 881-884.


  1. *Farnworth B, *Purdie S, Wehi PM, Painting C. 2023. Exaggerated mandibles are associated with foraging efficacy in male Auckland tree wētā. Biology Letters 19: 20230207. https://doi.org/10.1098/rsbl.2023.0207
  2. *Kelly M, Wehi PM, Johnson S 2023. Behavioural differences in predator aware and predator naïve Wellington tree wētā, Hemideina crassidens. Current Research in Insect Science 3: 100058.
  3. *Rayne A, *Arahanga-Doyle H, *Cox B, Cox MP, *Febria C, *Galla SJ, Hendy S, Locke K, Matheson A, Pawlik A, Roa T, Sharp EL, *Walker L, Watene K, Wehi PM, Steeves T 2023. Collective transitions toward a more just science system. Nature Human Behaviour 7: 1034-1037. doi.org/10.1038/s41562-023-01635-4.
  4. *Reihana K, Wehi PM, #Pomare-Peita M, Harcourt N, Ellis J, #Murray J. 2023. Indigitization: technology as a mode for conservation sustainability and knowledge transfer in Indigenous New Zealand communities. Biological Conservation 285: 110237. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2023.110237
  5. *Thompson L, *Doogan HM, *Thompson C, Wehi PM, Johnson SJ. 2023. Are there differences in behaviour between the two colour morphs of the mountain stone wētā, Hemideina maori? New Zealand Journal of Zoology 2023: 1-17. doi.org/10.1080/03014223.2023.2249408
  6. Wehi PM, Cox MP, Whaanga H, Roa T 2023. Tradition and change: celebrating food systems resilience. Ecology and Society 28 (1):19. [online] URL: https://www.ecologyandsociety.org/vol28/iss1/art19
  7. Wehi PM, *Kamelamela K, Whyte KP, Watene K, Reo N 2023. Contributions of indigenous peoples to invasive species management. People and Nature 2023 (5): 1403-1414. doi.org/10.1002/pan3.10508
  8. Wehi PM, Rogers KM, Jowett T, *Sabadel AJM 2023. Interpreting past trophic ecology of a threatened species, kea (Nestor notabilis), from museum specimens. Journal of Animal Ecology 92: 273-284.


  1. Hann MG, Baltutis K, Barefoot N, Charmantier A, Colucci A, Durussel C, Figueirido A, Gardner S, Laeverenz Schlogelhofer H, Langerock S, Madlener A, Shellito C, Spenley K, Trummel B, Wehi PM. 2022. Togetherness for Antarcticness. Book chapter. In: Antarcticness. Inspirations and imaginaries pp 144 ff. Ed. Ilan Kelman. UCL Press.
  2. *Rayne A, #Dale M, Hollows J, #Tamati-Elliffe P, Wehi PM, Wylie M, Steeves TE 2022. Characterising local adaptation of culturally significant species in the age of genomics: Looking to the past to inform the future. Evolutionary Applications 15: 751-772.
  3. *Van Uitregt V, *Sullivan I, Watene K, Wehi PM 2022. Negotiating greater Māori participation in Antarctic and Southern Ocean research, policy, and governance. The Polar Journal 12: 42-61. doi: 10.1080/2154896X.2022.2058222.
  4. Wehi PM, #Scott NJ, *Beckwith J, #*Rodgers RP, #*Gillies T, *Van Uitregt V, Watene K. 2022. A short scan of Māori journeys to Antarctica. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand 52(5): 587-598.


  1. *Cisternas J, Easton L, Germano JM, Haigh A, Gibson R, Haupokia N, Hughes F, Hughes M, Wehi PM, Bishop PJ. 2021. Review of two translocations used as a conservation tool for an endemic terrestrial frog, Leiopelma archeyi, in New Zealand.
  2. *Hall MM, Wehi PM, Whaanga H, *Walker ET, *Koia JH, *Wallace KJ 2021. Promoting social and environmental justice to support Indigenous relationships in urban ecological restoration. Restoration Ecology 29(1): e13305.
  3. *Reihana K, Wehi PM, Harcourt N, Booth P, #Murray J, #Pomare M. 2021. Indigenisation of conservation education in New Zealand. Pacific Conservation Biology 27(4): 493-504. https://www.publish.csiro.au/pc/PC20060. .
  4. Wehi PM, #Hetaraka TW, #Robinson F, #Hetaraka P, and #York J 2021. Book chapter. Māori culture in Antarctica. Preserving knowledge and Papatūānuku. In: Antarctic Resolution. Eds. Giulia Foscari / UNLESS. Lars Muller Publishers.
  5. Wehi PM, *Van Uitregt V, #Scott NJ, *Gillies T, *Beckwith J, *Rodgers RP, Watene K. 2021. Transforming Antarctic management and policy with an Indigenous Māori lens. Nature Ecology and Evolution 5(8): 1055-1059.
  6. Wehi PM, Wilson DJ, #Stone C, *Ricardo H, Jones CR, Jakob-Hoff R, Lyver P 2021. Managing for cultural harvest of a valued introduced species (Rattus exulans) in New Zealand. Pacific Conservation Biology 27: 432-441.


  1. *Parli A, Besson A, Wehi PM, Johnson S 2020. Sub-lethal exposure to a vertebrate pesticide bait alters behaviour in an orthopteran. Journal of Insect Conservation (2020): 1-12. doi:10.1007/s10841-020-00222-6
  2. *Ricardo H, Wilson DB, Wehi PM 2020. Kiore (Rattus exulans) distribution and relative abundance on a small highly modified island. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 47 (4) 350-359. https://doi.org/10.1080/03014223.2020.1785515 (an Accepted Manuscript of this article published by Taylor & Francis in New Zealand Journal of Zoology in 2020 is available from the author.)
  3. Wehi PM, Brownstein GB, Morgan-Richards M 2020. Indigenous plant naming and experimentation reveal a plant-insect relationship in New Zealand forests. Conservation Science and Practice 2(10) e282.
  4. Wehi PM, Whaanga H, Watene K, Steeves TE 2020. Mātauranga as knowledge, process and practice in Aotearoa New Zealand. Chapter 15, book chapter pp.186-197. In: Handbook of Indigenous Environmental Knowledge: Global themes and practice. Eds. T. Thornton and S. Bhagwat. Routledge.


  1. BioHeritage Bioethics Panel 2019. Predator Free New Zealand: Social, Cultural, and Ethical challenges. Biological Heritage National Science challenge. 32 pp.
  2. *Bond MO, Anderson BJ, #Henare THA, Wehi PM 2019. Biocultural impacts of climatically shifting plant distributions. People and Nature 1: 87–102. doi:10.1002/pan3.15
  3. *Cisternas J, Wehi PM, #Haupokia N, #Hughes F, #Hughes M, Germano JM, Longnecker N, Bishop PJ 2019. ‘Get together, work together, write together’: a novel framework for conservation of New Zealand frogs. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 43 (3): 3392. doi: 10.20417/nzjecol.43.32
  4. *Cisternas JT, Wehi PM, Bishop P 2019. Review of two translocations used as a conservation tool for an endemic New Zealand terrestrial frog Leiopelma archeyi. In: Soorae PS (ed) Global Reintroduction Perspectives: Case studies from the Reintroduction Specialist Group, Gland, Switzerland and Environment Agency, Abu Dhabi, UAE
  5. Dattner F, Adams S, Alexander K, Cano M, Clarke K, Clarke K, Collins D, Conn C, Doyle B, Dubini A, Feeney M-E, Goh AMY, Gray T, Hann M, Hart M, Hessenberger D, Humanes A, Jahangir A, Lopez U, Oaten M, Payo Payo A, Pérez-Porro A, Sealey K, Taranovic V, Unterstell N, Verspoor K, Ward-Fear G, Wang L, and Wehi PM 2019. Mother Nature Needs Her Daughters: A Homeward Bound Global Review and Fact Sheet Investigating Gender Inequality in STEMM. Research report. Sydney, NSW: Centre for Educational Research, Western Sydney University. doi:10.26183/5d22d5fbe2349
  6. *McAllister TG, Beggs JR, Ogilvie S, #Kirikiri R, Black A, Wehi PM 2019. Ka takoto te mānuka: mātauranga Māori in New Zealand ecology. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 43 (3): 3393. doi:10.20417/nzjecol.43.41
  7. *Walker E, Wehi PM, Nelson N, Whaanga H 2019. Kaitiakitanga, place and the urban restoration agenda. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 43 (3): 3381. doi:10.20417/nzjecol.43.34
  8. Wehi PM, Beggs JR & *McAllister TG 2019. Ka mua, ka muri: the inclusion of mātauranga Māori in New Zealand ecology. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 43 (3): 3379. doi:10.20417/nzjecol.43.40
  9. Wehi PM, Beggs JR & Anderson BJ 2019. Leadership and diversity in the New Zealand Ecological Society. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 43 (2): 3368. doi:10.20417/nzjecol.43.16
  10. Wehi PM, #Carter L, #Harawira TW, Fitzgerald G, Lloyd K, Whaanga H, MacLeod C 2019. Enhancing awareness and adoption of cultural values through use of Māori bird names in science communication and reporting. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 43 (3): 3387. doi:10.20417/nzjecol.43.35


  1. *Brown MBJG, Gemmill CEC, Miller S & Wehi PM 2018. Diet selectivity in a terrestrial forest invertebrate, the Auckland tree weta, across three habitat zones. Ecology and Evolution 8: 2495–2503. doi:10.1002/ece3.3763
  2. MacLeod CJ, Brownstein G & Wehi PM 2017. Cultural and ecological history of seabird colonies along the north-eastern Otago coast. Landcare Research Report LC 2808, Landcare Research, Lincoln
  3. MacLeod CJ, Howard S, Green P, Gormley AM, Wehi P, Brandt AJ, Spurr EB 2017. State of New Zealand Garden Birds 2016. Te āhua o ngā manu o te kāri i Aotearoa. Landcare Research, Lincoln. ISBN 978-0-947525-17-0.
  4. Morgan DKJ, Clapperton BK, *Gillanders JA & Wehi PM 2017. The palatability of carrot surface-coated with repellents or dyed blue or green to a terrestrial macroinvertebrate. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 44: 212–224. doi:10.1080/03014223.2017.1289473 (an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in New Zealand Journal of Zoology on 2017 is available here.)
  5. Wehi PM, Cox MP, Roa T & Whaanga H 2018. Human perceptions revealed by linguistic analysis of Māori oral traditions. Human Ecology 46: 461-470. doi:10.1007/s10745-018-0004-0
  6. Wehi PM, Monks A & Morgan-Richards M 2017. Tree weta are attracted to cuticular scent cues but do not distinguish according to sex or among two closely-related species. Ethology 123: 825–834. doi:10.1111/eth.12652
  7. Wehi PM & Lord J 2017. Importance of cultural practices in ecological restoration. Conservation Biology 31: 1109-1118. doi:10.1111/cobi.12915
  8. Whaanga H & Wehi P 2017. Rāhui and conservation? Māori voices in the 19th century niupepa Māori. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand 13: 1–7. doi:10.1080/03036758.2016.1252408
  9. Whaanga H, Wehi PM, Cox MP, Roa T & Kusabs I 2018. Māori oral traditions record and convey indigenous knowledge of marine and freshwater resources. NZ Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 52: 487–496. doi:10.1080/00288330.2018.1488749

2016 and prior

  1. Jacob S^, Wehi P^, Clobert J, Legrand D, Schitckzelle N, Huet M, Chaine A 2016. Cooperation-mediated plasticity in dispersal and colonization. Evolution 70: 2336–2345. ^ equal first authors. doi:10.1111/evo.13028
  2. Wehi PM, Jorgensen M & Morgan D 2015. Predictors of relative abundance of tree weta (Hemideina thoracica) in an urban forest remnant. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 39: 280–285.
  3. Wehi PM 2015. Agroecology and farm restoration: informed by ecology and history. In He ahuwhenua taketake indigenous agroecology. Book chapter. Eds. Johnson M, Perley C. Report for Ngā Pae o Te Māramatanga, Auckland. Pp 124–152.
  4. Whaanga H, Wehi PM 2014. Te wawao i te mātauranga Māori: indigenous knowledge in the digital age – issues and ethics of knowledge management and knowledge exchange in Aotearoa/New Zealand. Book chapter. In: Ethnographies in pan-Pacific research: tensions and positionings. Eds. Rinehart RE, Emerald E, Matamua R. Routledge. pp. 231–250.
  5. Timewell E, Wehi P, Haines E 2014. [Guest editorial] Absolutely positively science. New Zealand Science Review 71(3): 58.
  6. Wehi P, Anderson BJ, Haines E 2014. Participation in the Science Fair: a call for data. New Zealand Science Review 71(4): 104–107.
  7. Hong S-K, Wehi PM, Matsuda H 2013. Guest editorial. Island biocultural diversity and traditional ecological knowledge. Journal of Marine and Island Cultures 2: 1–2. doi:10.1016/j.imic.2013.11.005
  8. Wehi P, Cox M, Roa T, Whaanga H 2013. Marine resources in Māori oral tradition: he kai moana, he kai mā te hinengaro. Journal of Marine and Island Cultures 2(2): 59–68. doi:10.1016/j.imic.2013.11.006
  9. Whaanga H, *Papa W, Wehi P, Roa T 2013. The use of Māori language in species nomenclature. Journal of Marine and Island Cultures 2(2): 78–84. doi:10.1016/j.imic.2013.11.007
  10. Wehi PM, Raubenheimer D & Morgan-Richards M 2013. Tolerance for nutrient imbalance in an intermittently feeding herbivorous cricket, the Wellington tree weta PLOS ONE 8(12): e84641. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0084641
  11. Wehi PM, Jorgensen M & Morgan-Richards M 2013. Sex- and season-dependent behaviour in a flightless insect, the Auckland tree weta (Hemideina thoracica). New Zealand Journal of Ecology 37: 75–83.
  12. Wehi PM, Whaanga H & Trewick S 2012. Artefacts, biology and bias in museum collection research. Molecular Ecology 21: 3103-3109. doi:3103–3109. 10.1111/j.1365-294X.2012.05589.x
  13. Wehi PM, Nakagawa S, Trewick S & Morgan-Richards M. 2011. Does predation result in adult sex ratio skew in a sexually dimorphic genus? Journal of Evolutionary Biology 24:2321-2328 [featured on the cover, issue 24 (11)]. doi:10.1111/j.1420-9101.2011.02366.x
  14. *Griffin MJ, Trewick SA, Wehi PM & Morgan-Richards M 2011. “Invertebrate mice”: Exploring the concept of niche convergence in a land without rodents. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 35: 302-307.
  15. Wehi PM & Hicks BJ 2010. Isotopic fractionation and trophic enrichment in the Auckland tree weta, a large herbivorous insect. Journal of Insect Physiology 56: 1877–1882. doi:10.1016/j.jinsphys.2010.08.005
  16. Wehi PM & Wehi WL 2010. Traditional plant harvesting in contemporary fragmented and urban landscapes. Conservation Biology 24: 594-604. doi:10.1111/j.1523-1739.2009.01376.x
  17. *Mackay DB, Wehi PM & Clarkson BD 2009. Evaluating restoration success in urban forest plantings in Hamilton, New Zealand. Urban Habitats 6: online journal.
  18. Wehi PM 2009. Indigenous ancestral sayings contribute to modern conservation partnerships: examples using Phormium tenax. Ecological Applications 19:267–275. doi:10.1890/07-1693.1.
  19. Wehi PM, Whaanga H & Roa T 2009. Missing in translation: Māori language and oral tradition in scientific analyses of traditional ecological knowledge. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand 39: 139-149. doi:10.1080/03014220909510580
  20. Wehi PM & Clarkson BD 2007. Biological flora 10. Phormium tenax in New Zealand (Hemerocallidaceae): harakeke, New Zealand flax. New Zealand Journal of Botany 45: 521- 544. doi:10.1080/00288250709509737
  21. Clarkson BD, Wehi PM & Brabyn LK 2007. A spatial analysis of indigenous cover patterns and implications for ecological restoration in urban centres, New Zealand. Urban Ecosystems 10: 441-457.doi:10.1007/s11252-007-0035-6
  22. Wehi PM 2006. Kuta (Eleocharis sphacelata, Cyperaceae), a locally important and highly valued weaving plant in Northland. Journal of Māori and Pacific Development 7 (2): 39-44.
  23. Wehi PM, Barrell GK & Hickling GJ 2006. Hormonal correlates of social rank in an asocial species, the common brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula). Ethology 112: 639-648. doi:10.1111/j.1439-0310.2005.01185.x
  24. McAllum PM 2005. Care and development of pā harakeke in 19th century New Zealand: voices from the past. Journal of Māori and Pacific Development 6 (1): 2-15.
  25. Jolly SE, Scobie S, Spurr EB, McAllum C; Cowan P 1998. Behavioural effects of reproductive inhibition in brushtail possums. In: Biological control of possums: report of a workshop sponsored by the National Science Strategy Committee for Possum & Bovine TB Control, 21-23 April 1997, Lynch, R. ed. Royal Society of New Zealand Miscellaneous Series 45: 125-127

Notes: *Denotes graduate student or emerging researcher author.

#Denotes expert community knowledge holder.